please don’t take my sunshine away

my figurative plate is too full, yet at times i find myself barely eating the three minimum required meals a day. the effort i made to be more like my old productive self here in Montréal means that  i have somehow given myself too much to do again, with too little time. some days i am out the door at 6:20am, almost an hour before the sun now rises, and i do not come back until past 10 at night. even with two jobs, i tried to sign up for two choruses, and try to cook, clean, do laundry, do “adult” chores, and sleep. that last one wasn’t happening enough the week before last, and i felt like i was barely hanging on, almost falling apart from fatigue. my period was so late and irregular that i feared i might’ve gotten pregnant and that was a week of much un-needed stress on top of everything else.

i should count myself lucky at least, that i do not have jobs that i hate. as tiring as it is to start at 7 in the morning almost everyday, to run around on my feet for 8 hours serving customers, i still enjoy it. i am so grateful that i found a job that gives me enough hours a week even with my restrictive availability, and i really appreciate working at a café where the majority of customers are amiable, and the owners/bosses are fair and hardworking themselves. even when i am feeling sluggish, i feel motivated to work harder, because it always seems as though my coworkers and the owners are working harder still. i also enjoy having the opportunity to practice my french and feeling capable of working efficiently again.

and even though i go almost directly from an eight hour shift to picking up the kids i look after from school, i still look forward to doing it. while i felt under appreciated by the girls during the summer, i feel more like they genuinely like me now and perhaps even miss me when i am not around. it’s taken months, but i feel that they show me trust and affection; and even when i am so tired i feel as though i may fall asleep standing up while waiting outside of the school, i can’t help breaking out into a big grin and waving when i see the younger girl come out the front doors looking for me on the other side of the fence. and hearing the gladness in the older girl’s tone of voice when i say i will be staying for dinner or staying late to play with her after dinner makes me feel wanted, like i belong, like i matter. there is such a rewarding feeling too, in helping her with her school work everyday, in watching her progress from week to week, in noticing her improvements and feeling like my efforts are a crucial contribution to her grades, and in realizing that she trusts my knowledge of her coursework enough to listen to me when i am helping her study.

and joining an all women’s a capella choir has given me a chance to learn new music while practicing something i love in a warm, encouraging, and fun environment. even if it’s exaggerated, the praise i hear from other women who are great at singing is motivating. and whether it’s when we join hands at the end while standing in a circle and singing our theme song,  or when i am attempting to sing my part alone in a car with two other women who kindly offered to drive me home, or when i am asked to join an octet to sing songs in another language (Mandarin), i always feel such a great sense of belonging and welcome, that i am almost moved to grateful tears.

and so, little by little, i feel like i am carving out a tiny niche for myself in Montréal, which hopefully will be worth all the hours of lost sleep. i am too busy and tired to feel as homesick or lonely as i imagine i otherwise might, though i still feel it day to day, like a lingering bruise on my chest, that makes itself felt when gently pressed by a scent or a song that stirs up memories. i still miss France every week, and i can never seem to find time to chat with anyone back home anymore. sometimes it feels so surreal, to be back in Canada, working in Montréal, not having seen my family or friends for over a year, and knowing that this time last year, i was climbing a hot sand dune with views of the Atlantic in Arcachon, and shopping and drinking wine along the quayside in Bordeaux. in this way, i feel like an uprooted flower, struggling to find some stable soil, but every time i am replanted, some roots become lost and scattered and i feel like i’m wilting slowly when i wish i could be in bloom. the only time i feel calm and relief, even if it’s just for a few brief moments, is at the end of the day when i get to come ‘home’ to J and hold his hand in my sleep, and feel like i am bathing in sunshine despite the wintry weather and cold grey skies.

cakes, cadeaux, and classic tiramisu

Though I am not leaving Cahors yet, I have finished my contract at the lycée, and I received some going-away/thank you gifts from the teachers! Though they are from the teachers collectively, I know that one particular teacher must have selected these gifts, because I spoke with her the most, and she knew about my hobbies and interests. She knew that I was learning to cook in Cahors and her knowledge is evident in the thoughtful choices she made in gift-giving – a mold for making cannelés bordelais, a recipe book for regional French recettes, a tea towel from St. Cirq-Lapopie! I also received a beautiful book of 100 cake recipes for my birthday from the other language assistants in Cahors (♥), and a charming set of coasters printed with vintage champagne ads, from a Spanish teacher who worked with the Spanish assistant at my lycée. I will treasure these gifts forever, and am ready to throw out clothing in order to make space for them in my suitcase. =P Mille mercis, tout le monde!

As for my culinary progress, last night, my landlady and I made a classic tiramisu together. Despite all the caveats I’ve heard, tiramisu is a surprisingly simple dessert to make! It chilled overnight, and was ready for consumption by lunchtime today. An Italian student of mine also gave me her mother’s traditional tiramisu recipe, and so I will be testing that one out bientôt! I shall have to make everyone desserts to thank them for their generosity!

things i love thursday: feeling broke edition

(…after the tradition of galadarling, who i used to read religiously for years.)

Having received some sudden and unexpected bad news regarding my personal finances and facing yet another day of tepid drizzle, my sleep deprived brain has been rapidly churning out desperate ways in which I can dig myself out of this continually sinking hole I’ve dug myself. But it knows to slow down and be rational, to take a breath, and… then it decided that a TILT list was a necessary, temporary reprieve from the heaviness of mauvaises nouvelles.

Even though I feel now what Becky Bloomwood must have felt when she was drowning in the consequences of her shopping addiction, I don’t have a rich PR boyfriend to lean on, nor do I have a walk-in closetful of auction-able assets to float on, to safety. Consolation – be it materialistic or superficial – in the form of “Things I (still have left to) Love Thursday” it is!

♥ Jane Austen/Emma Fanfiction, because six Austen novels are not enough.
♥ Rereading Eva Ibbotson’s novels: A Countess Below Stairs, Magic Flutes; Discovering never before read Eva Ibbotson novels: A Company of Swans, Madensky Square, A Glove Shop in Vienna and other stories.
At least, if I do not have money to spend, I still have my sight, I still have imagination and emotions, and those can’t be taken from me.
♥ The free time to read for hours at a time. I haven’t had this luxury since I was in primary school. Just last night, I must have read for 5-6 hours straight. It was a lovely escape from my financially threatened reality.
♥ A cup of tea (or several) feels like a delicious privilege, especially when I think of how tea was once traded in bricks and held more value than coin currency.
♥ Cheap lunch meals at the lycée cantine: 2,90€ (~ $4.10 CAD) for an entire, relatively healthy/well balanced meal tray!? Why do I bother cooking!? This is the equivalent of what I could be eating for two meals! (I made myself eat a lot more than usual to compensate for what I know will be a frugal dinner). For instance, today, I ate: A barley salad, a fruit cup, a big plate with seasoned beef cubes and a big portion of mixed vegetables (carrots, edamame beans, beans, bean sprouts, etc.), 2 tranches of fresh french bread, a couple of slices of different regional cheeses, and a glass of vin rouge.  Not to mention, I couldn’t afford to try French cuisine otherwise!

(Look at this lovely paper doilied basket tray of regional French cheeses, found in the staff lunchroom! Thank you, Lycée Clément Marot!)

♥ Equally cheap French wine to drown my sorrows in – because it can literally be cheaper than bottled water. 1L Bottle water at the train station: 2,80€. 1 x 75cL bottle of red wine: 2,75€! Do not take me seriously when I attempt to justify this purchase by repeating wayward wisdom I’ve read somewhere…wine is made from grapes, and grapes are fruit. Hence, I am drinking a fruit salad. Ouf, believe what you like. Nevertheless, antioxidants.
♥ Singing and learning new songs on the guitar. Another way of losing track of time and reality.
♥ Going for exploratory petites promenades and discovering or seeing things that I can’t believe I missed before:

(How does one miss an entire fountain that one is prone to walk by at least once a week!? Evidently, I have!)

♥ Feeling camaraderie with some of my students, seeing that they are genuinely enjoying the games we play (Who Am I?/20Qs., Apples to Apples, Heads Up, Cheers, Guv’nor!)
♥ Being accepted as a volunteer to work on a vegetable farm in France for two weeks in May/June! I knew of WWOOF (Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms) before, and now I will finally get to immerse in this learning experience (and most likely in some mud as well).
♥ Finding a position in Montréal as an au pair for 7 weeks this summer! After just one Skype meeting with them, I can tell that they are going to be a lovely family to live with, and I am so excited about the time I’ll get to spend with their daughter. I couldn’t feel luckier about this opportunity.
With these opportunities awaiting me later this year, I can see that my current gloom seems disproportionate, so…voilà,
♠ Lizzy Taylor’s advice, which I followed to a T!

I’d like to add, “& Pout For The Camera!” to Miss Taylor’s glamourous pragmatism.

and at the end of the day,

♥ Someone special to talk to. ∞