

Ahoy! I hail from Burnaby, a suburban, but ever expanding city next to Vancouver proper in British Columbia, Canada. It’s about an hour away from the ocean, and I can always enjoy (rainy) rooftop or backyard views of snow covered mountains, even in the spring and fall, but it becomes harder to appreciate after 24 years of the same mild, monotonous weather and placid greenery.

Last summer, I had the opportunity of going to Trois-Rivières, Québec, for a two month stay to immerse in the Québecois culture and improve my french speaking skills. During this time, I realized the world was not as big and scary as I’d thought – and I was bitten by the travel bug. I followed up this trip with small, solo trips to visit friends in Ottawa, Toronto, and Montréal, and continued to travel a bit once I reached home, to Whistler, Seattle, and Portland. It was the ‘summer of ten cities’ (including Québec City, Shawinigan, and Pemberton)!

I’ve wanted to travel more ever since, though I am also attempting to complete my degree in French and English. This procrastiblog is a collection of my thoughts, goals, dreams, plans & experiences, as I head off to France for 7 months as an English teaching assistant, and of all the other vagabondage I shall indulge in, even after I finish school – in the hopes that I will finally find what I want out of life. In other words, I am embarking on an oddreyssey – my friends want to get rich or stay home, but I think I want to see the world!

[Aug. 18, 2014]


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